A CMS module to build your Website in few minutes.
CMS ECommerce
Build your company’s public website or private intranet quickly and reuse all the information available in your ERP to make your website dynamic.
Create your website
Use existing website templates to save you precious time, so you can get your website ready in just a few seconds.
Or, create a website and build the page content from scratch using the website editor. You don’t need any technical knowledge to use the website editor. However, if you are an experienced developer or webmaster, then you can use the HTML and CSS embedded editor to build a fully custom website.
You can export, clone and import a full website in just a few clicks.
Use the container/page architecture to organize content
Organize pages or content into containers. Include any container/page into other containers/pages. For example, you can have a top-level container to define the template of a website that includes a container for your header, another one for your footer and another one for the main content. There is no limit on the number of levels for embedded containers/content, so you have a more powerful and more flexible CMS than any other traditional CMS like Joomla, WordPress or Drupal, in which case the position of the content is defined by a template.
Test your website with no need of any external web server
Chaitanya One includes its own web server, so you can preview your website content without the need to install a web server.
Include dynamic content on your website
Because the website is integrated into your ERP system, you can include any data coming from your ERP system easily. All the objects required to read your data are available automatically and can be accessed and manipulated using PHP code snippets that you can embed into your web pages/containers whenever you need them.
Serve your website with your own server like Apache or Nginx
Once your website is ready to be online, just create a virtual host in your favorite web server like Apache, Nginx, or other server that points to the directory where your website pages are generated and your website is running, including dynamic content provided by your ERP, even if your ERP is not exposed to the Internet.