Create and send professional-looking proposals to your prospects and customers instantly…
Create your Quote or Commercial Proposal
Create your quote from your prospect/customer sheet, or just in one click by reusing a previous proposal.
Include predefined products to save time, or enter the full list of products and services manually.
If predefined fields do not match your needs, then add your own custom fields of any type (string, amount, date, checkbox, combo list, …) to the form.

Process your commercial proposal
The PDF of your commercial proposal is automatically generated and updated.
Send your quote or a selection of quotes via Email, directly from within the application. Use your predefined email templates so you don’t even have to type any text.
Depending on the modules/features you have enabled, you can also convert your commercial proposal into an order (module order), a contract (module contract), intervention (module intervention), invoice (module invoice), or a combination of these. If the module margin is enabled, you can also review the margin of your proposals.
Modify the status of your proposals to “Refused” or “Signed”. Your prospects are converted into customers automatically, as soon as a commercial proposal is signed.
Follow the status of your commercial proposals
List and display all your quotes. Choose which information you want to see in your lists. Filter and sort them based on any criteria.

Analyze your performance
Use the predefined yet dynamic statistics pages to get useful information about your company or your sales representative’s performance.

Export your proposals with the Export module to reuse them with external tools, or connect your existing BI suite directly to the open database for Big Data analysis.